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Reproductive scientists from the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute (SCBI) and Zoo veterinarians performed an artificial insemination on Mei Xiang March 22 with frozen semen collected from Tian Tian (tee-YEN tee-YEN). Mei Xiang turned 22 years old July 22. She is the oldest giant panda in the United States and the second oldest documented in the world to give birth. This is also the first time a Zoo in the United States has experienced a successful pregnancy and birth via artificial insemination using only frozen semen. Based on data from scientists in China and other zoos with pandas, females can breed into their early 20s. Tian Tian will turn 23 Aug. 27.


A baby panda's growing process is interesting, but very difficult, because they are extremely fragile and can easily get sick and die. At breeding centers 90% of baby pandas survive nowadays, compared to no more than 30% in the 1960s. Read on to see how baby pandas grow up:

Official Trash Pandas merchandise is available in The Junkyard Team Store located adjacent to the Bill Penney Toyota Plaza. The store is open year-round. Souvenirs are also available in-game at The Junkyard. The Emporium at Bridge Street is also open throughout the year with varying hours. Merchandise is always available online at

Tickets may not be resold on the property of Toyota Field or in the parking areas that surround it and tickets associated with such transactions are subject to confiscation. We highly recommend fans ONLY purchase tickets through or the Wicks Family Foundation Box Office.

This year, Zoo Vienna welcomed Fu Bao, or "Happy Leopard." Madrid celebrated the birth of Xing Bao, or "Star Treasure." And in Washington, D.C., the arrival of Bao Bao, or "Precious Treasure," had panda fans glued to panda cams.

In all, 2013 saw the birth of 49 panda cubs around the world, and 42 of them have survived. That's a record and an indication that captive breeding programs are working. There are now a total of 376 pandas living in captivity, most of them in China.

Jonathan Ballou, population manager at the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute and the National Zoo, worries that the remaining panda habitat is fragmented, so pandas cannot roam from one forest to another.

Ballou's focus now is on preserving as much genetic diversity as possible in the captive population, with the aim of breeding pandas that, as a group, are hardier and less vulnerable to disease. The ultimate goal is to return that genetic diversity to the wild.

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To determine each panda's genetic value, Ballou came up with something called a "mean kinship formula." Pandas with fewer relatives have a higher value than those with a lot of relatives. Each year, Ballou is part of a team that travels to China to make recommendations for matches based on these numbers.

In China, researchers have begun reintroducing captive pandas into the wild. Ballou believes that sometime soon they'll be talking about matching pairs of pandas to produce cubs specifically for this purpose.

Currently, the goal is to reach a total of 500 pandas in captivity, which Ballou thinks they'll hit within a few years. That's the number needed to preserve 90 percent of captive pandas' genetic diversity for 200 years.

In the first two weeks of August 2000, four panda mothers at China's Wolong Panda Reserve produced a total of six tiny panda babies. During the same time, a panda named Lele at the Beijing Zoo had twins. No one knows how many pandas might have been born in the wild.

A panda mother must carry her baby around very gently and take care of it until it is big enough to move around on its own. Pandas are known for being very careful and protective mothers. With such tiny babies, they have to be!

Newborn pandas cry for milk about every two hours. Between feedings, a panda mother will rarely put her baby down. When sitting, the mother holds the tiny creature in her paw. When she is on the move, she carries the baby gently in her mouth. Panda cubs can walk on their own when they are about three months old.

Lele, the Beijing Zoo panda who had twins on August 3, does not have enough milk to feed both of her babies. Because she cannot care for two cubs, she chose to nurture one and abandon the other. Lele's zookeeper said that this is a "normal and instinctive" behavior for panda mothers who don't produce enough milk.

What can a zookeeper do in the time of a panda milk shortage? Ask a dog for help! Because dog milk is very similar to panda milk, zoos can use dog milk to feed a baby panda. To find a nursing dog, the Beijing Zoo ran a want ad in a Beijing newspaper. The headline read "Panda Seeks Mama Dog."

Between the ages of 12 months and 18 months, a panda cub will gain nearly 100 pounds and grow the strong teeth it needs to eat bamboo. When a panda is about 18 months old, it is ready to be on its own. At this time it will leave its mother to make a home for itself alone.

Miyoni features your favorite animals in plush form with a simultaneously realistic and adorable design! Bring this Panda Cub home for the cutest cuddle companion! This Panda Cub Miyoni is a baby panda with black and white fur, and a precious face sure to make anyone say "awww"

Washam became intrigued by pandas a year or so ago when she was preparing her doctoral dissertation. A friend noticed she looked stressed, and suggested watching panda cams as a relaxing diversion. Washam soon became hooked, and has since traveled to all four zoos in the United States that have pandas as well as one in Canada.

The female panda cub was born Aug. 23 and is the first at the National Zoo since 2005 to survive more than a few days after birth. Zoo officials say she already has exhibited the first signs of recognizing her name.

Known for their teddy bear-like appearance and red fur, the red panda is native to the mountains of Central China, Nepal and northern Myanmar (Burma). They are considered vulnerable to extinction due to habitat destruction. In addition, slow rates of reproduction and high infant mortality rates make it very hard for this species to rebound from population declines.

Black and white cat-foot also known as panda bear is a native to south central China and is recognized by the large, distinctive black patches around its eyes, over the ears, and across its round body.

This baby Panda soft toy pattern has been based on the custom design that I did for the Green Revolt panda logo. You may remember the story behind the design which was based on the pandas that were orphaned by the Sichuan earthquake. I have chosen Ning as the name for this sweet little panda as it means Tranquil/Peaceful. Hopefully they are living peacefully in their new refuge.

"Mei Mei has been a terrific mom so far, and her boy appears to be in great health," said Amy Cutting, who oversees the zoo's red panda area. "He's curious and active, and he has been venturing outdoors quite a bit. Now we need to find a name that suits him."

Red pandas are considered an endangered species, with populations declining by about 50% in the past 20 years. While exact numbers are uncertain, some estimates indicate as few as 2,500 may be left in the wild. In addition to habitat loss and fragmentation, red pandas also face threats from poaching and the illegal wildlife trade.

"Fifty years ago, red pandas had healthy populations throughout the eastern Himalayas," Cutting said. "But they've been disappearing at alarming rates. Hopefully, we can start a new chapter in the conservation of a species that is sharply declining in the wild."

Though they share part of their name with giant pandas, red pandas are in a class all by themselves: The sharp-toothed, ring-tailed omnivores are the only members of the Ailuridae family. Found in the montane forests of the Himalayas and major mountain ranges of southwestern China (Nepal, India, Bhutan, China and Myanmar), their striking red, white and black fur provides camouflage in the shadowed nooks of the trees amongst reddish moss and white lichens. 2b4c41e320


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